5:20 PM: Registration and Material collect
5:45 PM: Welcome
6:00 PM: Subfascial Breast Augmentation/mastopexy: new details to stabilize smooth implants – Ruth Graf
6:30 PM: Subfascial Augmentation with Scaffold – Ashley Gordon
7:00 PM: Submuscular Mastopexy Augmentation – Holly Casey Wall
7:30 PM: Malposition and Secondary mastopexy with Scaffold – Renee Burke
8:00 PM: Intramuscular pocket for secondary mastopexy – Ruth Graf
8:30 PM: How A.I aligned with Digital Marketing has increased clinic's outcomes – Miguel Pierre
9:00 PM: Discussion – Daniele Pace
Catering with all participants
7:30 AM: Introduction to the MARC Lab – Heloise Peixoto
8:00 AM: IMF Subfascial Breast Augmentation – Ruth Graf
9:00 AM: IMF Subfascial with Scaffold – Ashley Gordon
10:00 AM: Mastopexy Augmentation Scaffold – Renee Burke
12:00 AM: Lunch at the Lab
1:00 PM: Submuscular Mastopexy Augmentation – Holly Casey Wall
3:00 PM: Intramuscular Mastopexy Augmentation – Ruth Graf
4:00 PM: Anatomy Dissection of the Breast – Ruth Graf
6:00 PM: Discussion and Closing
8:00 PM: Dinner with all participants